söndag 18 juni 2017

New lunch concert on Wednesday - Chopin's Ballade 3 and 4

When the sun reaches its highest this year, on the astronomical midsummer's eve at lunch time, I will hold my next lunch concert. I will play the piano music by Chopin, written on his own solstice as a composer - his last Ballade, nr 4. To set the stage for that, I will also play the preceding Ballade, nr 3, another beautiful piece, as well as a short movement from one of Beethoven's most famous sonatas.

The Ballades are in many ways my favorite pieces by Chopin, and both his first and last Ballade are among my own top 5 piano pieces ever written. I am therefore happy to also announce that I will be playing all of his 4 Ballades at another concert, later in the summer: on August 10 at 16.00 in the castle of Bjärka Säby. (link

The concert now on Wednesday is in some ways a warming up for that concert (it will e.g. be the first time I play his Ballade nr 3), and I will then be playing that full concert several more times, both here in Sweden and abroad. This summer therefore in many ways marks the start of a new phase in my career, and I am looking forward to celebrating the symbolic pre-start of it with those of you want now on Wednesday.

Where: Berzelius-salen, close to the HU library, hospital area, Linköping
When: Wednesday June 21, 12.20-12.50
What: Lunch concert
Who: Pianist Gunnar Cedersund
Prize: Free of charge


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