lördag 25 februari 2017

Co-creation at its best - recorded for all to see

I love the internet, and all our various recording technologies available today, which allow us to capture all of the many golden moments that are being created every day - and then share it with the rest of the world. One of the things I like particularily much is when improvised meetings happen that just clicks into place without preparations.

In dancing this happens so often on the dance floor, when you can dance with a stranger, with whom you never danced before, but you anyway immediately click, and have the most wonderful experience together - an experience you know that both of you will remember and cherish for the rest of your lives. In that sense, I like improvised dancing, or - in terms of competitions - Jack and Jill style competitions the best, because then you can really see inspiration as it gradually manifests itself in physical form. Here is just one of many examples of an improvised dancing in my new favorite dance - West Coast Swing - with two of my favorite improvisational dancers: Tatiana Mollman and Maxence Martin.

In music, I equally much admire the people who can improvise, and create music on the spot. But - being a classical musician - I want to say that the same type of new meetings can happen also by playing classical music together with a new person, or, in fact, every time you play for a new audience (because a meeting with an audience is very much also a meeting). Regarding music, there is also a special form of meetings that can happen, and perhaps especially in modern pop music: that the performers invite people from the audience up on the stage, to play along with them, or to themselves play a song for the artist. Below are two great such moments: one with Adele, who invites two guys up on stage, and one with Billy Joel, who brings up a pianist from the audience.

The final video I wanted to share with you today shows an improvised duet with a fan and a star, orchestrated by Ellen. In all of these videos, you see how people can come together, and create magic just by being awesome. Or, as a comment in one of the videos said: "Time, dedication and preparedness meets opportunity and BAM! Lifetime experience."

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