tisdag 2 augusti 2016

The art form of political satire

 Those of you who have followed me for some time will know that I am a big and growing fan of political satire. Somehow I find it so soothing to hear somebody else say what I myself feel (sometimes scream) inside, and not only say it, but say it with a joke, which doubly relieves the tension. There really is something to the saying: "Laughter is the best medicine". In any case, one of my favourite comedians nowadays has undoubtedly become Seth Meyers. A little while ago, he started with a segment of his daily talk show called "A closer look", and in there he does really old school Jon Stewart-like commenting on world events. The first time I saw him was a few months ago, and I liked it already from the start. But he has truly improved a lot since then, and this last segment below is just on such a high level: both regarding the analysis and the humour. It really takes a sharp mind to find a way to twist horrible events so that the issue becomes crystal clear, but where you at the same time find it hilariously funny. 

I have really started to appreciate comedy and satire for the highly developed art form that it is! Hats off from a classical pianist!

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